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Lodge of Living Stones Library

The Lodge has undertaken to republish several works by its founder and by other authors which are in line with its general philosophy and interpretation of Freemasonry

Vol. No.  
1.   The Predominant Wish (1948) by Major R Watkins-Pitchford

This little book was developed from a series of lectures that the author delivered to his own Lodge of Instruction. It considers the nature of man and the nature of Freemasonry before looking at the relationship between the two. The author's treatment of his subject is completely in tune with the principles promoted by the Lodge of Living Stones.
2.   Masonic Letters (1988) by W.A. Ralph

These letters were written, on a more or less monthly basis, and sent to the members of The Lodge for their private use. They represent the author's perception of the fundamental truths behind the symbols of Freemasonry and, together with his Non-Masonic Letters they form a unique collection of mystical writings.
3.   Non-Masonic Letters (2013) by W.A. Ralph

The letters in this volume have less of a direct Masonic connotation. As far as possible they have been arranged in the chronological order in which they were written, Arthur gave freely of his love and knowledge to the Lodge for several years, right up until his demise in 1975. It is hoped that the Brethren of the Lodge will use these letters as a help and guide in their own private, sincere and unrelenting journey towards the “centre”.
4.   The Messiah, a Spiritual Interpretation (2014) by W.A. Ralph

In this interpretation, the author gives his attention to the words, and shows how fragments of scripture have been selected from the Old and New Testaments and rearranged to form a work which becomes scripture in itself. Here is the key by which The Messiah becomes a teaching which leads the seeker to the foundation of his own being and to the origin of life itself. It gives an entirely new dimension to what is probably Handel's greatest work.

In December 1937, W.L. Wilmshurst made a radio broadcast on the BBC Northern Programme entitled 'Messiah,' a Northerner's View. It was ;later published under the title Handel's Messiah in Yorkshire, Wilmshurst's appreciation of Handel's oratorio is more centred on the music than the words, however, it complements Arthur Ralph's appreciation of the words very well and it is, therefore, provided here as an Appendix.
5.   The Lodge Papers of the Lodge of Living Stones (No. 4957) Selection 1

These papers are provided by the Past Masters for the private study of Members of the Lodge, including its Associate Members, and are not intended for wider publicity. Save by resolution of the Lodge or the WM's consent in special circumstances, copies are not supplied to anyone but Members of the Lodge.

When the papers were originally printed there were two exceptions to this proviso. Lodge Papers No. 16 and No. 19 were both published so that they were available for Brethren of other Lodges to purchase. W.L. Wilmshurst requested Brethren to bring these two papers 'to the notice of others who are looking for explanations of the Ceremonies.'
6.   The Lodge Papers of the Lodge of Living Stones (No. 4957) Selection 2

This second volume contains a further eighteen of the papers presented and discussed in the Lodge, which were then adopted as 'Lodge Papers.' These papers are provided for the private study of Members of the Lodge, including its Associate Members, and are not intended for wider publicity. Save by resolution of the Lodge or the WM's consent in special circumstances, copies are not supplied to anyone but Members of the Lodge.
7.   The Lodge Papers of the Lodge of Living Stones (No. 4957) Selection 3

The third volume is made up of another eighteen of the Lodge Papers, including another three by Wilmshurst. It contains papers by several Past Masters of the Lodge together with one by Lord Ampthill, Pro Grand Master from 1908 to 1935, who was an Honorary member of the Lodge, and pone by A. Langdon Coburn, who was an Associate Member. This volume also has an index of all fifty of the adopted Lodge Papers. The papers in this volume are again intended for the private study of Members of the Lodge including its Associate Members.
8.   The Lodge Papers of the Lodge of Living Stones (No. 4957)

Volume 4 - Additional Papers

The fourth volume contains papers which were not adopted as Lodge Papers. It includes eight of W.L. Wilmshurst's works, most of which are not otherwise easy to obtain, together with papers by other members of the Lodge, some of its Associate Members as well as two papers by a Member of Manchester Society of Living Stones. There is also an appreciation of Wilmshurst written by J.S.M. Ward, the Founder of the Masonic Study Society in London. Karl von Eckarthausen's The Cloud upon the Sanctuary is also included.(See "Additional Papers")..

The papers in this volume are not restricted to Members of the Lodge
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